Laetitia Ky, la artista que hace obras de arte con su propio pelo en Instagram

En África ha nacido una estrella del arte, pero esta vez no en forma de pintura, ni música. El único protagonista es el pelo humano.

Desde su cuenta de Instagram, Laetitia Ky, ha revolucionado al mundo entero con las cantidades de formas de animales, humanas, objetos y un sin fin de cosas más que hace con su cabello.


Su arte no es para nada difícil de entender, su objetivo principal es atrapar y, eso, desde luego, que lo ha conseguido. Su cabello adopta las formas tan reales de lo que imita que parecen hasta reales. Y lo mejor, todo esto lo hace con sus manos y sus peines. Sin trampa ni cartón.


Ha sido tanta su repercusión que ha tendido en Instagram, con casi 180 mil seguidores, que le han permitido alzar la voz sobre temas que afectan a la sociedad de hoy en día. Uno de los más comentados es el apoyo que ha dado al movimiento #MeToo (Yo También), el cual se ha hecho viral desde el pasado octubre de 2017. El objetivo que tiene es ayudar a las mujeres que han sufrido abusos a denunciarlos y, además, les anima a contar su experiencia para que todos estemos enterados de lo que viven muchas mujeres. Lo que empezó en su día la activista Tarana Burke, continúo a través de Twitter la actriz Alyssa Milano y, ahora, Laetitia Ky a través de su arte en Instagram, es algo que ninguna de ellas imaginaba que tendría tanta repercusión mediática.

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#Anxiety and #depression. to always have that voice in your head that makes you doubt your choices, your potential, your strength, your ambitions… a voice that only remind you of all the negative points of your life, your failures and your faults. A feeling that makes you forget how beautiful and amazing life can be. Extremely deep, chronic anxiety usually leads to depression. Unfortunately in Africa generally it is an extremely neglected issue. People dont view depression or anxiety as a disease. The victims are considered weak-minded, too """"white"""" in the head. Yet it is something serious that can completely destroy a life. If you are going through a period of depression or anxiety please talk to others about it. Dont stay alone and dont let this disease lie to you. You are stronger, more courageous than this feeling want to make you believe. I talk about it because myself as a pessimist who try to heal, I have been in these last months. I have an untold number of people around me who are concerned too. It's crazy … as if the organization of the current society was established to make depressive people. We have the power to change it. A lot of love, sharing, positivism and listening can help. #ps i had fun doing that piece lol

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#bodypositivity #bodypositive #selflove #selfcare #loveyourself Story by @maja_diana I have a story for body positivity too. The thing is, I never struggled with my body, I always liked it. What I never liked were the comments. In relation to my body I have big boobs, wich is not the problem even if I'm not always happy with them. People might think, I should be and even if I am very Ok. with that the most time, it's not always funny. When i was younger (about 14), many people, especially women called me a whore, for just having them. I often got told that I am too slutty and my shirts are too sexy. The thing is, i never wore anything the others don't, just normal shirts, it just looked diffrent on me. People won't belive how many adult (in my case women) assault young teenager girls. When you are 14 and haven't even thought about sex, being a "whore" really confuses. In the other case for the men you're also just boobs, nothing else. It's the only thing they can see. I don't dress nondescript, I don't want to. I can't see why I should dress very careful just because an anybody feels attacked by my body. I wear what I like, and I do what I like, not to impress any men, not to be "sexy" for society. I do it just for me because I want to.

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También, la artista ha querido poner fin al apoyo sobre el uso libre de armas de fuego. Así lo quiso plasmar con uno de sus peinados:

Actualmente trabaja únicamente en su cabella y Instagram. En más de una ocasión ha dejado claro que su motor principal es dar visibilidad a personas y colectivos que no tienen suficiente voz para llegar a la gente.

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At what level is the fight for women rights in your country ????? in mine we still have a lot of work. some women are sexually mutilated because some believe that a woman does not have the right to have sexual fulfillment. some women dont have the chance to go to school because for some it is not useful to educate a woman. ordinary sexism is second nature to some. women are paid less, sexually harassed daily, slutshamed and violence against them is justified… guys the list of women struggle here is so long…. In other contries this is even worse… Today, Is a reminder of how we have a lot of work again to do. Im sad sometime when i realise how powerless i am in front of the situation of some women in this word. But i remember that i have a powerful weapon ! ""The possibility to speak"" Think to all these women who speak everyday to say NO when Something wrong, things become a little better everyday. So dont neglect it and never lose an opportunity to speak. Thank you to all theses brave feminists men who stand with women everyday for justice and equality. You are heros too.

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Todo su trabajo ayuda a dar un discurso a sus seguidores sobre aceptación y amor propio.


Juan Carlos Sastre

Director de Comunicación

Cofundador, Editor y Director de comunicación. Graduado en Maestro y Comunicador Audiovisual (Producción, estilismo y dirección). Amante del mundo del arte en todas sus vertientes.